How to Remove Blackheads Naturally, Here’s the Secret

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Blackheads on the surface of the skin appear as annoying black or white spots. To remove blackheads, natural ingredients can be used, such as coffee grounds, tomatoes, and egg whites.

Blackheads look like bumps, this skin problem appears in the pores. This skin problem often occurs in the facial area.

How to Remove Blackheads

How to Remove Blackheads Naturally

Blackheads can be eradicated with natural ingredients that are safe and more economical. Here are some natural ingredients that can be used to remove blackheads.

Lemon, Honey, and Sugar

The first way to remove blackheads naturally is to use lemon. Mix lemon juice with one teaspoon of sugar and one tablespoon of honey.

Next, apply the mixture evenly to the area where the blackheads are. Then massage for one to two minutes in a circular motion. Rinse with clean water.

Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds can remove blackheads naturally. The trick is to make it a mask.

Mix coffee grounds with coconut oil, half a cup each. Then stir and immediately apply to the face. Massage gently in a circular motion on the area of ​​the face that has blackheads.

Leave it for five minutes before rinsing with cold water. Repeat regularly once a week for effective results.

Aloe Vera Aloe vera contains aloin and antioxidants that can help overcome skin problems. One of them is cleaning blackheads on the face. Take the aloe vera flesh and apply it to the face. Then wait until it dries, then rinse until clean.

Baking Soda

Baking soda in overcoming blackheads functions as an exfoliator of dirt and dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. However, make sure the skin is not sensitive to this ingredient to minimize side effects. Baking soda used as a face mask can help to neutralize the pH imbalance of the skin.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil can be used to remove blackheads. Apply this ingredient to parts of the face that are prone to oiliness such as the nose, forehead, and chin. Tea tree oil will work by killing the bacteria that cause blackheads.


The next way to remove blackheads is by using tomatoes. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins C and A which can shrink pores, absorb excess oil, and brighten the skin.

Mash one tomato and rub it all over your face. Let it dry then rinse, this method is effective for removing blackheads.

Egg White and Tissue

Egg white has a protein content that is effective in removing blackheads. Even this one ingredient can make the face look brighter.

How to use it is quite easy, as in the review of the Florensia Sella YouTube channel.

  1. First, put the egg white in a container, and beat it using a fork until it foams.
  2. After that, take a brush and apply it to your face.
  3. Apply it all over your face and areas where there are blackheads, such as on the nose.
  4. Stick the tissue on the area where the blackheads will be removed, then apply the egg. Cover it again using tissue and apply the egg again.
  5. Wait 15 to 20 minutes.
  6. Open the tissue from bottom to top so that the blackheads are completely removed. The blackheads are completely removed, so it feels smoother. After that, rinse using plain or cold water so that the pores in the area around the blackheads can be closed again.

If you have given up on beauty products on the market, then you can try natural ingredients like the ones above. How to remove blackheads naturally does have minimal risk and side effects. However, to ensure the safety of these ingredients, you can consult a doctor first. /nen